Who Are We?

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Empowering Lives, Igniting Futures: Where Hope Finds a Home.

Anchor For All Foundation was founded in 2024 by a group of young Ghanaians and friends abroad committed to the lives of Africans – particularly the deprived – who decided to register and start this charitable organization.

The organization is registered in Ghana as a local organization and in the United States of America as an international charitable organization. Our group is motivated by the concerns of poverty: low income, unemployment, low literacy, poor health, lack of amenities, and environmental degradation.

The founders are committed to working with the poor every step of the way through our established charitable association Bright Future Aid. The organization shall always consider all beneficiaries’ actions as evidence of interest and feeling. Bright Future Aid is a non-governmental organization; a non-political, non-religious, and non-profit charitable association with the main thrust of poverty eradication. View Registration Documents

Mission Statement

Our mission is simple yet profound: to restore hope among the poor. Thus, vulnerable youth, older persons, women, and children, as well as communities ravaged by poverty, abuse, violence, disease, and natural calamities. We are on a journey to nurture the latent potential of disadvantaged youth and their caregivers, particularly young girls and single mothers facing the challenges of broken homes or homelessness.

We believe that no human especially children should be threatened by the impacts of poverty. We believe that everyone has the right to be happy, healthy, and free from the burdens of financial responsibility, the pain of preventable illness, and the trauma of abuse or neglect.

We aim are empower remote African communities, Children, and Youth to open up the world for themselves, through reducing the impact of poverty, building their confidence, and supporting their education and well-being. we want every community to have the livelihood they deserve and gain the skills they need to become whoever they aim or dream to be.


Anchor For All Foundation Has Objectives that can be stated in the above points:

  • To provide impoverished African children the opportunity to go to school and advocate their education, through holistic sponsorships that remove all barriers and obstacles a child may face.
  • Training or Impacting vulnerable youth with marketable skills needed to gain employment or start businesses on their own to help reduce unemployment.
  • To provide impoverished African Children and their families with aid for basic  needs: food, water, and sanitation, as well as quality health
  • To  advocate and  advocate for for African girls and young women, safeguarding them from the difficulties they may face because of their gender to prioritize their education thus preventing early marriage, FGM, and sexual exploitation, and ensuring that they  have equal opportunities to learn skills and live independently as their male peers.

Other Objectives

  • To protect and advocate for disabled Africans, with both physical and cognitive disabilities – to ensure that they are safe from all forms of abuse and neglect, and to support their growth and development through the provision of specialist care wherever possible.
  • To support and uplift remote African communities as a whole, developing needed infrastructure to ensure smooth and convenient living like the main cities as well as encourage families to take positive steps to improve the livelihoods of themselves and their children.
  • To provide funding to startups as well as give them all the guidance and mentorship they need to successfully establish and scale up their businesses and to advocate and empower Agro-businesses by providing them with all the sophisticated technologies and machinery they need to succeed in their endeavor. 
  • To support sporting and cultural activities as a process of healing for individuals in rehab centers as well as help create mental stability
  • To fund research and innovation to help discover and implement lucrative ideas that are going to bring change to Africa.
  • to put systems in place to facilitate a seamless adoption process for kids who are homeless or up for adoption.

Life in Africa

Over 75% of the African population live under the absolute poverty line of $2 per day, and most of the families we help are struggling to meet their basic human needs of food, water, and sanitation. We work with communities especially children and youth who are worst affected by poverty: those suffering from malnutrition, unemployment, preventable diseases, those who have suffered abuse or neglect, and children with profound or cognitive disabilities.  Many children we work with have suffered from parasitic infections, water-borne diseases, seasonal malaria, etc. Many have been orphaned or abandoned, and many bear the weight of providing for their families.

In most remote areas in Africa where children as young as five are forced to work, hence many young Africans find themselves reaching adolescence with no formal education or skills. with no familiarity with their schooling, they have little hope of achieving a high enough standard of education to overcome the stranglehold of poverty set on them from birth.

life opportunities that are often taken for granted in the Western world – Such as education to the end of secondary school (18 years), university, and apprenticeships – are incredibly difficult for poor children in Africa

Making Impacts

Anchor For All Foundation is dedicated to helping as many remote communities as possible, to escape the poverty trap. Our programmes are broadly reaching the niche and nick of Africa. We believe strongly in practical, lifelong support for the communities we reach, helping them to help themselves to move upwards in life’ Through tailored projects, for nutrition, water, and sanitation, we can secure the physical health and security of African children.  Comprehensive and holistic sponsorship allows us to focus on the needs of individual children, giving them a helping hand through their education and beyond. 

we believe that no child should go without their basic needs met – but we also believe in every individual right to be happy and live a healthy life. Life is a journey of joy, growth continuous learning, and development., and poverty can interrupt and even destroy the vital stages of this process. Bright Future Aid is working to re-instate the livelihood of poor and disadvantaged fellows allowing them to develop safely.

We have already seen the impact of our existence on the lives of the needy in Africa. We have a clear vision for eliminating the effect of poverty in these remote and needy communities by securing  a future and empowering them to lift themselves beyond imagination

Let's Restore Hopes Together

We can make a permanent difference to remote communities in Africa especially unemployed youth and the poorest children living in Africa. there is so much we will want to do but we need help to achieve this. Visit our Donation Page today to be a part of our change, and join the cause of eradicating poverty. If you would like to invite us to give a talk on our focuses and change we stand for in Africa to your church, school, or community group just let us know by contacting us at +233 53 371 5072

Together, we illuminate the path to a brighter future.

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