Violence against
women and girls is on
the rise. There is
concrete actions that
can be taken to prevent
it, so that women and
girls don’t become
Recovery and healing are an
essential part of justice. Our
foundation has is always
providing access to quality
specialist support over the
years, and continues to
advocate for sustainable
funded women support
We can create a world in
which women and girls are
free from the threats of
male violence. We believe
that a different world is
possible; a free from abuse
one one for women and
We’re campaigning for the
reforms of laws relating to
online abuse and robust
regulation of the tech
platforms perpetrators use,
so those responsible are
held accountable.
We’re campaigning to
ensure that there is strict
and uncompromized action
towards abusive men who
maltreat their wives or
young girls (beat them,
prevent them from self-
development, rape them